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Illegal Dumping

Report Illegal Dumping


Sloughhouse RCD is looking for illegal dumping sites in Sacramento County in need of clean up and abatement! The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) provides funding for cleanup of illegal disposal sites on farm and ranch property. Farm and Ranch property, as defined in California Code of Regulations, section 17991(d), means a piece of property, publicly or privately owned, that is used for rangeland or agricultural activities such as, but not limited to commercial livestock and crop production, horticulture, aquaculture, silviculture, floriculture, vermiculture and viticulture. Farm or ranch property need not have active sales or production, but shall be appropriately zoned, or otherwise authorized for agricultural activities. Farm or ranch property includes appurtenant easements or right-of-ways such as, but not limited to, public roads and utilities. Please contact Sloughhouse RCD if you are aware of an illegal dumping site.


Sloughhouse RCD received a grant from CalRecycle in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. The cleanup site consisted of a cattle ranch on Deer Creek, zoned for agricultural use. Requested grant funds were used to clean up an estimated 2,000 tires that were washed downstream from an illegal dumpsite. The waste tires collect water, which provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes that can transmit West Nile Virus. In addition, the tires were a hazard to grazing cattle, and posed a threat to the waterways. Other successful projects can be found on the Cal Recycle website.


If you are aware of an illegal dumping site, please contact Sloughhouse RCD ( Please include your contact information, property owner information (if different), property information/map, approximate type and quantity of waste on the property, and photos.