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NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)


USDA Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) info with a tractor in a field.

Whether you are looking to improve grazing conditions, increase crop resiliency, or develop wildlife habitat, NRCS can assist you with a custom design a CSP plan to help you meet those goals. NRCS can help identify natural resource problems in your operation and provide technical and financial assistance to solve those problems or attain higher stewardship levels in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner.

CSP is for working lands and is the largest conservation program in the United States. Thousands of people voluntarily enroll in the program because it helps them enhance natural resources and improve their business operation.
CSP participants are seeing real results.  Some of these benefits include:

  • Enhanced resiliency to weather and market volatility
  • Decreased need for agricultural inputs
  • Improved wildlife habitat condition
NRCS-CSP Right For Me_FactSheet-2025_Print Only.pdf

To learn more about CSP, contact your local NRCS office